THE Museum
I went to New York in January and, having been there several times already, I created a new list of things to do. On that list was a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art - better known as The Met. I had never been there and since I enjoy musems, I've been told it's a must-see. So, I went...and discovered that this was not just a museum. It was THE museum. :) What an experience! Although it's been a month now since I've been, I remember vividly two things - how tired I was after spending 4 hours there, and how overwhelmed I was at their collection! It was a truly amazing 4 hours, although I had to give up reading all the little placards that I usually enjoy reading. My mind couldn't take anymore historical facts! Yes, my brain was fried by the time I left. Among the exhibits, I enjoyed the Egyptian Art exhibit the most next to the Armor and Weapons exhibit. :) Here's a picture of the Temple of Dendur that is set up in the Met - a gift from the government of Eg...