Cognitive Overload and Frizzy Hair
OK, no my cognitive overload did not cause my frizzy hair - although it's fun to think of it that way. The 83% humidity today on Long Island caused my frizzy hair! Yeah - a natural reaction to humidity apparently for me. It's days like these I wonder why I even bother to blow dry my hair all nice and neat (actually today I got smart and didn't do that.... so much for cognitive overload - apparently I had enough non-overloaded brain cells to think ahead like that!). So what of this overload? Ah well, it's just that in my Social Work Theories class we were focusing on cognitive-behavioral theories, and I was in charge of presenting it and facilitating discussion. It was actually quite interesting. It's also interesting going into such discussions knowing that people in your class don't necessarily see the merits of these theories. I mean, I see the merits simply on the basis that it was part of my job for the last 5 years! I don't buy the theories in whole, bu...