NY to DC

I went on a trip to DC this past weekend, leaving Thursday and coming back Sunday. I took the bus (DC2NY) and it was great! Most people I talked to were surprised that I had such a great experience. The trip was 4 hours and 15 minutes (just about, including the 15-minute rest stop break) and smooth both to DC and back! No traffic or anything! I must have picked some good times....although, leaving NY at 4 p.m. did not seem like such a great time, but I had no choice - it was the only bus that went to DC on Thursdays. Nonetheless, I still made it into DC by 8:15 p.m. I was trying to count the tolls and then figuring in the gas - for driving to DC by car and back. And really, I asked myself, why bother? The bus did it in great time; I didn't have to worry about the tolls; and I could either doze off, watch a movie, or go on the internet! Can't do that when I'm driving! :) But yes, my friend here in NY was so surprised that I had such a great experience! Though she jokingly sa...