Spring has come to Long Island! Actually, it has been here for a while now; I just haven't had time to blog it. But I HAVE managed to take some pictures of the great bloomingness! :) I think it's my first real spring ever. I mean, can you actually compare the "spring" in New Orleans or Los Angeles to this? No. Really. . . . No. This is on my favorite route to New York City and back - the Northern State Parkway. The sky was soooo blue, not too many clouds in the sky, and flowers were blooming. It was a gorgeous day to open up my windows and sun roof, and drink it all in! (By the way, attempt taking pictures while driving ONLY AT YOUR OWN RISK.....) Um....yeah, the same drive. :) It was so irresistible.... Oh, I guess I should disclose that I saw this man doing the exact same thing I was! (Taking pictures while driving....He's the one who actually gave me the idea of doing this....So yeah, all you adults out there! Remember, kids like me are watching you!) Hee hee. ...