
Showing posts from November, 2009


I sure have respect for teachers and professors. I always knew that it was a lot of work and had utmost respect for my teacher friends. But this semester, that understanding has risen to a whole new level! I am doing a teaching practicum where I am teaching Masters students. And of course I'm not doing anything matter of fact like research methods....Nooo.... I'm teaching Policy. It can be somewhat abstract for the students and I'm not very good at filling up material for two hours. I always seem to fall short of my 2 to 2.5 hours obligation. Today I was supposed to teach for 2 hours, sans le professeur, but ended it at 1.5, which I'm sure the students didn't mind; it is, after all, the week of Thanksgiving. :D Nonetheless, I feel like it's quite a challenge. The topic tonight was politics and ideology with respect to social welfare policy. While it is definitely interesting for me, I'm not sure I conveyed that interest to the students. Ho hum. I guess tha...

Autumn returns to the island

Inevitably, much to my protest, autumn has returned to Long Island. Of course I'm not foolish enough to believe that if I protest, God will delay the coming of autumn for just a while longer. Still, for about a month I have grumbled against the onset of autumn. Then I went to Bear Mountain which is towards the middle of New York state (I guess....or perhaps it qualifies as upstate New York) with my mom and my boyfriend; there I was reminded that autumn is something beautiful despite all my grumblings. I think God made all the colors so beautiful in autumn because the overcast skies and browning of the ground can become quite dreary. So here I'm sharing with you a photo that makes for a bright smile on such an autumn day. Protest as I may, we are quite in the middle of autumn here on the island, and cold winds signal the approach of winter. Most trees have shed their beautiful yellow, orange, amber, red, brown, and deep pink colors; they now stand naked, bracing for the wint...