My circadian rhythm is completely off......

I don't know how busy travelers do it. I know it's a bit crazy but it turned out that I had an almost back to back trip. I had made plans to go to Washington, DC last Thursday through Monday even before my decision to go to Korea. So, I returned on the 11th and then was in the air again on the 17th. I thought it would be alright and for the most part I was. But sleep still eludes me at the right time and finds me at the wrong time. I guess there really isn't a "wrong time" to sleep when I work from home, but it doesn't help when I find myself wide awake at 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. but sleepy at noon and 5 p.m. Melatonin? Well, it helps to a certain degree....once ingested. But I have not been taking it these past few days....Perhaps I should try it again.
But anyway, my trip to DC was so much fun! I met up with old friends and enjoyed the entire weekend. It reminded me that sometimes old friends are those comfortable friends that have known you forever - the good and the bad, and are somehow still around. My friends have become like my sisters and no matter how much or how little we keep in touch, we are still close. So in looking back on the fun weekend I had, so what if my circadian rhythm is slightly off? It'll come around, I'm sure - melatonin or not.