New Orleans - Part Deux!
So I had the very best of intentions to continue with my blogging of New Orleans, but since my return from Spring Break there, I have been rolling on a wave of work and finding myself utterly exhausted to think about blogging. But despite the tardiness, here's another entry on New Orleans. I did tons of walking and absolutely reveled in the weather - 70s pretty much all week long! What a break it was from scarves and layering up in Long Island! No socks, no double layers of clothing, no scarves around my neck! The weather was as I remember spring in New Orleans to be.
People ask what it is I love about New Orleans, and I just can't explain it adequately. Maybe it's the architecture? The pretty homes constructed just like this one:

Or this one:

Maybe it's the old St. Charles Streetcar that buzzes and creaks along pretty St. Charles Avenue - albeit the route is significantly shorter post-Katrina.
Maybe it's good old Cafe du Monde, its beignets and perfect cafe au lait, and the rest of the French Quarter - not just its revelry and craziness but its history and uniqueness.

Maybe it's Jackson Square, the Mississippi River, the cemeteries containing above-ground tombs, the uneven sidewalks that make walking an adventure in and of itself; maybe it's Magazine Street where lots of great coffee shops like CC's and Rue de la Cours as well as funky little antique and clothing stores line the streets; maybe it's the delicious food and the crawfish that make your lips burn after you eat 2 pounds; maybe it's just the mesh of things that come together in this unique city.
Maybe it's all of the above, knitted together with fond memories of college, friends, experiences, and the place where the foundation was laid for that adventurous journey I have been on and still lies before me today. Whatever it is, New Orleans is still one of my beloved cities, and a place that is still like home today even after being away for so long. You'll have to visit and get a glimpse, just a glimpse, of what it is that I love about New Orleans.
People ask what it is I love about New Orleans, and I just can't explain it adequately. Maybe it's the architecture? The pretty homes constructed just like this one:

Or this one:

Maybe it's the old St. Charles Streetcar that buzzes and creaks along pretty St. Charles Avenue - albeit the route is significantly shorter post-Katrina.

Maybe it's Jackson Square, the Mississippi River, the cemeteries containing above-ground tombs, the uneven sidewalks that make walking an adventure in and of itself; maybe it's Magazine Street where lots of great coffee shops like CC's and Rue de la Cours as well as funky little antique and clothing stores line the streets; maybe it's the delicious food and the crawfish that make your lips burn after you eat 2 pounds; maybe it's just the mesh of things that come together in this unique city.
Maybe it's all of the above, knitted together with fond memories of college, friends, experiences, and the place where the foundation was laid for that adventurous journey I have been on and still lies before me today. Whatever it is, New Orleans is still one of my beloved cities, and a place that is still like home today even after being away for so long. You'll have to visit and get a glimpse, just a glimpse, of what it is that I love about New Orleans.
