The end of a year, and the beginning of another - the end of opportunities past and the beginning of new ones. What do you do at the end of every year and as the new year starts? Reflect on what kind of year it's been and then make resolutions for the new one? As for me, yes I reflect on what kind of year it's been and what I've learned. I also pick an area that I want to try and improve in the coming one - but yeah, just like resolutions, it's hard to improve dedicatedly throughout the year. But I've learned that while some years are tough and others are just jam-packed with events, the most important part for me is whether or not I have grown. And as I look forward to the new year, rather than drawing up a list of resolutions, I look forward to new things with hope.
So as I look back on 2006, I see where I've grown and where I've faltered. While personally there are many things on which I could reflect, I also think about what's going on in the world around us. I am thankful for what I have had in 2006 - a job, a house, a family, friends, and a vision for my life as well as experiences that have enriched my life.
And for 2007, I look forward to new things with hope and excitement. What they will be, I won't know until the year draws to an end to find me sitting here again, 365 days from now.
Happy New Year, and may it bring many exciting adventures!