A Happy Ending for the Dog Drama

Yes, I can say that it is a happy ending. What a difference a day can make! Yesterday I was incredibly sad at the prospect of not seeing my cute dog ever again. My blog posting yesterday might have provided enough evidence of my sadness. But today I am elated because we have found him and he is at home with us again!

Where was he found? Someone finally called us to say they had our dog. He was in someone's yard in our neighborhood - maybe about 8 or 9 blocks away. I wasn't there to receive the call but someone else in my family was. When they went to pick up Snoopy and inquire as to where he was when they found him, they were simply told that he was sitting outside their fence and so they brought him inside. My sister-in-law told me she was inclined to think that they wanted to keep him but may have either listened to their conscience or seen the flyer that I had posted at the grocery store less than a block away from the house where Snoopy was found. Either way, I am just thankful that they called us, even if it has been days since he first went missing. We're very, very happy he is back home safe and sound. There is the end to our dog drama, I hope. :)


Mia said…
Congrats on being reunited with your dog! I can imagine how hard it was for you. I can't even imagine life without my beloved pooch Cleo.
Euneeq said…
Thanks Mia. :)

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