The End of My First Semester

Today was the last day of classes for my first semester back in school, and I must say that I am relieved and happy about it, although I cannot believe that it's already over! I just checked my grades for my Biostats exam and I did quite well! I was so excited I called my friend Sylvia and jumped up and down, sharing the news with her. I'm so excited because I was quite anxious about this exam. My final grade hasn't been posted yet, but still, I got to see my grade for the final exam.

Anyway, it is quite amazing to find myself at the end of my first semester. I have at least 7 more semesters to go before I'm finished, but hey, who's counting? Heh heh. I have adjusted to a new life and a new climate. It definitely is different out here, compared to southern California; and the weather? Well, let's just say that I laughed at myself when I told my friend this morning that it was a comfortable 43 degrees Fahrenheit, even with it feeling like 38. It's about 50-something in L.A. and while my friend said it was chilly, I laughed and said maybe I'd be wearing flip flops at that temperature. So I think the photo accompanying this blog is appropriate in some senses because I feel like a conqueror. Ha ha ha.

The semester has been filled with plenty of challenges and lessons learned - and not just in the classroom either. I have learned that stop signs don't really mean that much if there's no traffic; cutting off someone is expected if in a hurry because others will do that to you if you don't keep with the cars in front of you; running red lights is more common out here than I've ever seen it to be in L.A.; tail-gating is a way of driving here; I can be a cabbie in Manhattan because I can join in with the best of them on a crowded Friday night, zipping up and down 5th Avenue or circling Penn Station; the Manhattan skyline is a beautiful sight even when walking across the Brooklyn Bridge at night at 20-something degrees, teeth-chattering and cheeks freezing; there's a difference between expressways (called freeways in SoCal) and parkways but I still haven't figured out what that really is; winter doesn't just bring pretty snow but also brings ice and slush and a real nasty mess; when the snow is frozen solid outside my door, I can't wear my heeled boots cuz I'll be slipping and sliding to my car and probably slide right under it if I'm not careful; critters will get into my trash if I'm not careful about what I leave outside; dressing for the weather takes some talent and know-how that doesn't come instantly; hibernation is awfully tempting when it's cold outside; and oh yeah, social work theories, research methods, and biostatistics are quite a mind full. Hee hee.

As much as I enjoy it out here, I can't say that I don't miss things about Los Angeles - particularly my family and my friends and my dog. But guess what? I get to go back for a little bit - as a Christmas present for my parents - and yeah, a Christmas present for me too. :) I fly out on Christmas Eve and I'm praying I don't have any adventures considering I'm an adventure magnet it seems ever since I began my move here. I'm excited (how many times have I used that word in my blog?)....OK.... I'm THRILLED to be going to L.A. for Christmas break though and boy do I have a list of things I want to do. Sometimes, even though adventures are great and new experiences are life-changing, a person does crave the familiar, and right now, I'm that person. :)


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