Old and New (Christmas and 2009)

I meant to do a separate Christmas and New Year blog, but I'm going to combine them considering Christmas seems long gone and 2009 has just begun. I'll divvy up this blog into two parts: old and new. Old = Christmas 2008, and new = 2009/New Years). The beautiful Christmas tree picture here was my favorite Christmas tree this year because it was decorated by someone very special to me. (I hope you don't mind that I used it on my blog, sweets. Hee hee.) :^]
Christmas 2008 was spent traveling after being sick on Christmas Eve - not the most fun way to spend the holidays. And I am convinced that Christmas 2009 will be spent with the company of loved ones (or at least a loved one) because I don't want to spend it on my sofa in New York, curled up with a blanket and sick. But then again, it gave me time to think about what the year has been like for me. I have had a whirlwind of a 2008 with plenty of ups and many more downs. Still, I have life and I have love; and albeit I was sick with a cold, I had health and the ability to travel to California to be with my family. So despite everything, lack of motivation, heartbreak, storms of doubt, and all else that assailed me throughout the year, things that I came away with in all my experiences for 2008 gave me hope, passion, motivation, drive, humility, and desire to see what 2009 would bring. It also made me so grateful for God's faithfulness and loving kindness; and I was grateful that about 2000 and some odd years ago, Christ was born to make known God's desire for a relationship with me, with all people in this world who would receive Him. And I received one extra gift for Christmas 2008 that was indicative that God truly was looking out for me and still there for me; this gift was the gift of love.
So as 2009 begins, I begin anew another leg of journey on this earth. And with the things I came away with from 2008 as well as with the new love that has found me, I look forward to the adventures of this year. I still have my goals, my visions, and my dreams. But I also have new goals and new dreams that I can now share with someone very dear to me. Life is interesting in that it never turns out the way you expect it to, but I can't imagine it turning out any other way. 2009 is going to be a great year, and a growth year yet again, I hope. So onward we go! I'm excited and I hope you are too!!!