Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. I'm not Catholic so I don't go to Ash Wednesday mass. But I do like to participate in Lent as I know that it's not a solely Catholic thing. For me it's a God-thing and a personal thing: a time to think about what takes up a lot of my time - things I could do without and learn to be less addicted to. It's like a sort-of spring cleaning in your life. It's also a time, for me, to think about good habits I want to develop. I could use a ton of good habits right now: more discipline in my dissertation, more prayer, less Farmville (on Facebook). I think those are my top three. Why is that a God-thing? Because I believe that God would want me to improve upon myself instead of being complacent. Don't you think so?


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