9-11 and Hurricane Katrina
Anniversaries.... I don't know if that's the right word for the two events because usually those are filled with joyous celebration. Or perhaps it is the right word, in the sense that you can look back at all the hard times and see how they built you to bring you this far. So I take that back. I'll have to ponder that a bit more. In any event, one anniversary just passed - one year after Hurricane Katrina and the devastation it caused; and one anniversary comes upon us - five years after the horrific event in NYC. Events that we could not and would not ever forget.
Each event is covered in politically-stained shrouds, but to me, the heart of the issue is humanity, or more specifically, lives lost and strength gained. Those who weren't able to make it out, and those who didn't come out because they went back in to rescue others...and those who live each day in determination, with strength, to remember this event, to carry the memory of brave souls in their hearts, and to never be conquered by those who planned the event or the event itself.
Emotions are various - anger, sadness, frustration, pride, faith, peace even, and determination. Even as a sort of "bystander" living on the other side of the country from New York, it still affects me to remember those events. I remember seeing it on TV and not believing what my eyes were seeing; I had to check the channel and make sure it was not a movie. And as a "bystander" who once lived in New Orleans, those events have affected me as well. I remember watching that on TV, in shock, and making a mental note of all the people I knew and if they were in that area or not. So I can't imagine those who actually lived it, were directly affected by it, and lost loved ones through it. I haven't been able to watch any of the related 9-11 movies yet because I know that if I do, I must take 2 boxes of Kleenex, at least and probably watch it alone. . . .
So on this day, I remember - remember that innocent people lost their lives, remember what the Twin Towers looked like, remember that a handful of people with malicious intent affected hundreds of lives, remember that the number of brave souls who made amazing decisions in the face of danger to do the "right" thing was greater than that handful, remember that good will is greater than evil intent, remember that courage is greater than fear, and remember that out of the ashes, flowers still bloom even if it takes some time.
Each event is covered in politically-stained shrouds, but to me, the heart of the issue is humanity, or more specifically, lives lost and strength gained. Those who weren't able to make it out, and those who didn't come out because they went back in to rescue others...and those who live each day in determination, with strength, to remember this event, to carry the memory of brave souls in their hearts, and to never be conquered by those who planned the event or the event itself.
Emotions are various - anger, sadness, frustration, pride, faith, peace even, and determination. Even as a sort of "bystander" living on the other side of the country from New York, it still affects me to remember those events. I remember seeing it on TV and not believing what my eyes were seeing; I had to check the channel and make sure it was not a movie. And as a "bystander" who once lived in New Orleans, those events have affected me as well. I remember watching that on TV, in shock, and making a mental note of all the people I knew and if they were in that area or not. So I can't imagine those who actually lived it, were directly affected by it, and lost loved ones through it. I haven't been able to watch any of the related 9-11 movies yet because I know that if I do, I must take 2 boxes of Kleenex, at least and probably watch it alone. . . .
So on this day, I remember - remember that innocent people lost their lives, remember what the Twin Towers looked like, remember that a handful of people with malicious intent affected hundreds of lives, remember that the number of brave souls who made amazing decisions in the face of danger to do the "right" thing was greater than that handful, remember that good will is greater than evil intent, remember that courage is greater than fear, and remember that out of the ashes, flowers still bloom even if it takes some time.