A Forgotten Continent?
In the arena of human rights, Africa should be center stage. Not to minimize any of the other human rights situations going on at the moment, but do we as a collective society here in America really know what's going on in Africa? Our news is filled with politics, with Iraq, with Iran, with Afghanistan, and granted that those are important to us, what of the continent of Africa?
Darfur.... I never knew where Darfur was until less than a year ago. And the conflict and genocide? It has been going on since February of 2003. I ask my friends, my colleagues, my peers, and most of them have no idea where Darfur is or that there is a conflict there, let alone an escalating genocide. I don't blame them. It's not like I was that aware of it, even though I have close ties to Africa - being born there and raised there for 11 years before moving. To learn more about Darfur, click here. Apparently there are thousands of people who are aware of these events and have put together a coalition to bring this to our government's attention.
And what of northern Uganda and the child soldiers, abduction, and night commuters? I knew there was conflict there, but I had no idea how long it had been going on, and still goes on. Watch the movie "Invisible Children". Don't know where to get it? Go to www.invisiblechildren.com and order it. Or at least examine their website. It will open your eyes. It opened mine (thanks Barbara!).
And I thought our ignorance was enough with Rwanda....but it continues today. By our ignorance, I don't just mean mine or my friends'.... I mean the our government's ignorance and the international community's ignorance. Is Africa truly a low-priority on the list? Where are we when there are children suffering in Africa, seeing massive killings because of their "ethnic" backgrounds, being abducted and forced into gun-carrying children, being orphaned by violence, and losing their lives because of violence. Not only that, but other children are losing their families to HIV/AIDS, or dying themselves of HIV/AIDS, poverty, and a lack of simple basic needs that we take for granted every day.
So today I tell myself that I will forget Africa no more. It will no longer just be a childhood memory but a vibrant and living continent that needs to be brought to our attention once again. In the least, I will blog.... blog for human rights in Africa, and raise awareness at least in my circle of friends, colleagues, and peers. Join me won't you?
Darfur.... I never knew where Darfur was until less than a year ago. And the conflict and genocide? It has been going on since February of 2003. I ask my friends, my colleagues, my peers, and most of them have no idea where Darfur is or that there is a conflict there, let alone an escalating genocide. I don't blame them. It's not like I was that aware of it, even though I have close ties to Africa - being born there and raised there for 11 years before moving. To learn more about Darfur, click here. Apparently there are thousands of people who are aware of these events and have put together a coalition to bring this to our government's attention.
And what of northern Uganda and the child soldiers, abduction, and night commuters? I knew there was conflict there, but I had no idea how long it had been going on, and still goes on. Watch the movie "Invisible Children". Don't know where to get it? Go to www.invisiblechildren.com and order it. Or at least examine their website. It will open your eyes. It opened mine (thanks Barbara!).
And I thought our ignorance was enough with Rwanda....but it continues today. By our ignorance, I don't just mean mine or my friends'.... I mean the our government's ignorance and the international community's ignorance. Is Africa truly a low-priority on the list? Where are we when there are children suffering in Africa, seeing massive killings because of their "ethnic" backgrounds, being abducted and forced into gun-carrying children, being orphaned by violence, and losing their lives because of violence. Not only that, but other children are losing their families to HIV/AIDS, or dying themselves of HIV/AIDS, poverty, and a lack of simple basic needs that we take for granted every day.
So today I tell myself that I will forget Africa no more. It will no longer just be a childhood memory but a vibrant and living continent that needs to be brought to our attention once again. In the least, I will blog.... blog for human rights in Africa, and raise awareness at least in my circle of friends, colleagues, and peers. Join me won't you?
