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Do you remember how to skip? And when was the last time you went skipping down the street? Skipping down our driveway this morning, I just realized that as an adult it might be a silly thing to do, but it instantly returned me to feeling like a 4 year old little girl who had just discovered how to skip. It was an immediate return to childhood and immediately brought a smile to my face. I must admit that there have been days when I've been out in public and had to fight the urge to skip across the street.
What is it about adults that place the actual task of skipping into the dark recesses of our mind, never to be brought out into the open again? Perhaps it doesn't serve a function for us anymore. Walking, running, tiptoeing, jumping all are skills we still continue to use; what is it about skipping that gets excluded from the motorical activities of an adult? I don't know about you but I want to skip more often than once or twice a year; and when I have kids, you can be sure that we will be the mother and children who skip everywhere.